Habitat Heights

Singapura Developers, a subsidiary of AFRA Holdings PTE Ltd Singapore will undertake this private flagship project in order to provide a solution to the ongoing affordable housing crisis in the country. Habitat Housing Co-operative Society (HHCSL) was established in 1991 with the objective of sourcing and providing affordable housing solutions to its members. Founded by Staff of the constituent arms of the United Nations Organizations based at Gigiri, Nairobi. HHCSL are the land owners. Singapura Developers and HHCSL went into a JVA and the title deed of the land has now been transferred to Habitat Heights. Habitat Heights is an affordable mixed development estate consisting of studio, 1,2 and 3-bedroom apartments and 60 retail units totalling 8,888 units. The project also will entail School, Hospital, Commercial Centre and other related amenities. The estate is a lifestyle product seeking to provide affordable housing in Lukenya, Mavoko s...